

Hello, I’m an front-end software engineer, who loves challenges, newest technologies and programming at all.
I have made projects for companies such as ksyun (KingSoft Cloud) and YanRong Tech.


  1. nest-schedule: A decorator schedule module for NestJS framework.
  2. nestcloud: A micro-service solution with etcd, consul for NestJS framework.
  3. electron-nest-rpc: Provides a simple way to invoke nest.js service between renderer process and main process.

Electron Clients

  1. i5SING: 中国原创音乐基地5sing桌面客户端.
  2. Dolphin: An electron ssh dynamic port forward client for MacOS.


  1. nestcloud-cli: CLI tool for NestCloud applications 🍹


  1. qiankun-micro-frontend-example: A micro frontend example for Qiankun framework.
  2. nestcloud-consul-starter: Quickly start a micro-service app use NestCloud with Consul.
  3. nestcloud-etcd-starter: Quickly start a micro-service app use NestCloud with Etcd.
  4. nestcloud-kubernetes-example: An example that running app in kubernetes cluster use nestcloud.

I Contributed

  1. electronic-wechat: 💬 A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron by Zhongyi Tong.
  2. electron-forge: A complete tool for creating, publishing, and installing modern Electron applications
  3. @nestjs/typeorm: TypeORM module for Nest framework